Mark Roush
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Persephone Update by Vince Nimmoor of Animation Dynamics

17 2011 By Vince Nimmoor

One of the rad things we do here at ADi is participate in independent and experimental projects as often as we can. Currently we are involved in a short film called Persephone (as...Read more

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The Beat Goes On... Persephone Update!

The Beat Goes On....By Sean Hutchinso: Producer ADi

Dear Readers,A Challenging Key

If you’ve been following along in these p...Read more

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Persephone: Pt. 3 – Building the Shoppe of Sweets

As production and development began on the Persephone project, adapting the story of Persephone into a visually-complex, animated short film was made easier through predetermined, well-planned collaboration of the designers at Animation Dynamics and myself.

The world of Persephone occurs during the turn of the 19th century in the Netherlands region. Imagining the world initially fell upon my hands to research photos of period architecture, wood patterns, designs and so forth. However, once produ...Read more

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ADi Update: Sean Hutchinson - Producer on Persephone Project

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Persephone: Pt. 2 – Imagining the Mist Demon

In the world of Persephone, there exists a persuasive force that offers the antagonists the choice to exchange their souls for a recipe that would allow them to create the world's best taking chocolate.As I was writing the story, that persuasive force slowed morphed into a demon that was created from mist.When I first met with the team at ADi, we carefully went over the storyboards and discussed everyone's thoughts and creative ideas for each...Read more

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Persephone: Pt. 1 – Inside The Shoppe of Sweets

Yesterday I visited the the  team at Animation Dynamics to check on the progress of the Persephone project.As usual, I was very impressed. Sean Hutchinson, Animation Dynamic's Producer, was kind enough to document the process and take many photos as I stopped by each station.Creating the world around Persephone is no easy task. The first initial steps are keying out the greenscreen and installing, in its place, reference backgrounds for the characters to exist in. This all occurs before any lighting d...Read more

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She Would Pirouette Into Mist: Persephone Update

A couple of days ago, I stopped by Animation Dynamics for a CGI development meeting on the look and feel of "Persephone".The team at ADi showed me a myriad of different shots that we picked, early on, to begin development on. Since the world surrounding the live action actors of the Persephone story is partially formed with mist and clouds, following an impressionistic construct, we're taking careful design steps and are working to...Read more

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A Look Back At The Short Thriller, "Storage"

In 2006, the short thriller, “Storage” was filmed in Portland, Oregon.The story is set in an aged, decrepit storage facility. Kathy has accidentally been accidentally locked in overnight and must now wait until morning to be set free. As day moves into night, the building begins resting – first with a few creaks… and then, with a few moans. Kathy soon discovers voices emanating out of another storage unit. She fears that a darker, more sinister force is beginning to wake up… and that there’s no pl...Read more

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Weevil and Nightshade's Compendium of Farables & Tales

After almost a year of writing, editing, and pondering... my first book of farables is nearing completion.

Most people do not know what a farable is... so I shall explain.

A farable is much like a fable: A story that is based around the anthropomorphism of human qualities into animals, nature, or objects which result in a moral or ethical lesson being taught or conveyed.

A farable incorporates the qualities of animals, mutations, or nature into the characters...Read more

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It Drank of Jill Beyond the Hill

Jillian Jameson would peddle her Firestone Flight 77 bicycle down McTierney Road every evening at 7pm.It was a ritual, her daily ride on that abandoned dirt road. She would swift herself through a small path in the forest while avoiding the cow corralling ditches then glide through a covered bridge, all while holding her breath for fear of trolls, and finally she would break left into an open, lilac laden pasture before hitting McTierney Road.Once she navigated through the waves of purple scented sky she stopped and ga...Read more

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Mark Roush navigates the waters of video marketing and advertising for companies such as Nike, Autodesk, Intel, HP and many others.


United States
November 20, 2007