Mark Roush
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Shannon Shee Had a Shadow She Liked to Eat

If anyone would like to read / review one of my farables, "Shannon Shee Had a Shadow She Liked to Eat", let me know and I'll send you a link!

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A Peppercorn Twist with Netherlandic Skins

I'll get this over with quick.I have a new cat and her name is Miss Peppercorn. She likes Read more

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Upside down Toaster & Muddy Shoes Require “Murr” Cat

Often, it’s the case that, when living alone, things can sometimes happen which are odd but easily ignored.

One morning I went to the shower and the shampoo I bought a couple of weeks earlier, was empty. This is odd because a bottle normally lasts me a month, and last I checked… my hair didn’t grow longer.

Other oddities are most likely superficial mistakes anyone can normally make that you just don’t remember doing.

Toasters aren’t the type of thing you pay attention to every...Read more

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Radiators, Warewruckles and Work

The quiet is a companion who never interrupts you.It's amazing how many different voices you can come up with when you're by yourself. Thus far, I've traversed down multiple chordic contractions and numerous twisted vocal modulations which have brought me into worlds of half-crazed bakers, lazy dragons and southern gentlemen with a distaste for walking barefoot on crabgrass.Last week I worked on a Nike project... exercise videos with a touch of grace and systematic body placement. Then, there was a quick ed...Read more

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Kathy Took Clouds and Killed Two Cows

“Kathy Took Clouds and Killed Two Cows.”

A title that popped in my head as I was pouring coffee in my cream.

Yes, I know what I just wrote… just wait until I start writing the farable about it.

Casting for, “Both Bitter and Sweet Was Persephone Inside Most Incomplete”, is finished! We had many wonderful actors show up for the casting call and everybody took a unique approach to the part. It was a hard choice to decide who to choose, but choose and chose I did do.

I am most pleased to an...Read more

接近 14 年 前 0 赞s  1 评论  0 shares

Of clouds, cookie dough, and suicidal tears

One can’t hunt down inspiration in the same fashion as capturing fireflies because the results could lead to disappointing conclusions.

Of course, that’s based on what you’re searching for.

Inspiration is the construct of its definition, “an inspiring or animating action or influence.” One can’t force it to happen without an external action to push you towards it. However, sometimes that action has absolutely nothing to do with the resulting idea from whence it originated.

Case in poin...Read more

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Stage 13 & Persephone Shoot

Thursday, I visited Dan Ackerman at his studio, Stage 13. We discussed each shot in my storyboards including the lighting set-up, greenscreen blocking and overall layout and equipment needs. Of course, this is only a preliminary breakdown and review… but it was nice to troubleshoot a few issues and concerns I had. Dan is an amazing resource and we discussed many shots in-depth.Read more

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New short story: Dream Stalker Robert and His Band of Midnight Walkers

New short story: Dream Stalker Robert and His Band of Midnight Walkers

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Both Bitter and Sweet Was Persephone Inside Most Incomplete

"Both Bitter and Sweet Was Persephone Inside Most Incomplete" is the first of several short stories I've written.

This is a story about a young woman who is made of chocolate. She is enslaved by her guardians who harvest chocolate from her every night. One day, she convinces them to set her free to experience the world with her own eyes... but, all is not what she imagined it to be.

These stories are along the lines of Grimm's Fairy Tales / Aespo's Fables by mea...Read more

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Mark Roush navigates the waters of video marketing and advertising for companies such as Nike, Autodesk, Intel, HP and many others.


United States
November 20, 2007