I have been reconstituting past projects of mine over the last few weeks.In 2005, "I am Lloyd Hamlin", a short film shot on Super-16 in 2004, was released to festivals across the country. It played at dozens of festivals over the next two years and garnered me quite a bit of attention. Of course, I was too busy working on my next project, Read more
I am Lloyd Hamlin Completed in 2006, "I am Lloyd Hamlin" follows the life of an eccentric comic-book store owner who believes he has supernatural powers. Through a series of flashbacks, Lloyd explains how these powers came to be.
Video: Read more
Two months ago, filming was complete for the live-action, CGI short film, "Both Bitter and Sweet Was Persephone Inside Most Incomplete."This farable (parable and fable) takes place in the Netherlands during the turn of the 19th century. The owners of an unsuccessful candy store decide to part ways with their souls, exchanging them to a demon for a recipe that will allow them to make the world's best tasting chocolate. Of course, demons being devious creatures... the deal wasn't q...Read more
It was a quick drive by means of two highways, a de facto gas station laid barren by predetermined travelers that never came, and a counted thirteen turns off Interstate 5 down into Lanial Pass. The promise of being next to her sprouted a lost feeling of hope; previously laid dormant by critically played means and outside influence and exacerbation. Hidden from him she was.He needed her love and the chance to obtain it ruled out any logical basis to turn back and just head home. Logic had no place when ...Read more
There is no talk of sex in this blog update – but I congratulate you on clicking to read about Sex Dipping, whatever it is. As for croissants in bed… that’s just a wondrous thought.
Maybe I’ll write a short story about Sex Dipping later.
Weevil and Nightshade’s Compendium of Farables & Tales is nearing completion. Final edits have been delayed these past couple of weeks due to an influx of work but have since resumed. I have also started concept development for many other stories… such as one about a...Read more
Cascading around the simple trim, live on the concrete verve, did the neon green whip spin; destroying all things green... destroying all in its path.I am not fond of the whacking of weeds. As a fact of the matter, lawning with a mower does not particularly give me pleasure by any means either.It was early and I couldn't sleep, so I decided to wake up the miniature crew and take aim at correcting the 36 inch plus front "lawn". I like how it's surrounded by a concrete sea - quite the opposit...Read more
The cat was ripping apart my couch again... so I sprayed her with water and she ran away.As I sat back down to begin typing, she strolled into the kitchen and sat down in the corner - staring with those large, green eyes of hers. A drop of water dripped down her fur and she let it course down her face and off her nose.If she could talk, I believe she would say something like, "You can't blame me if I find your couch pretty."It's funny when humans use that excuse for actions deemed justifiable ...Read more
Seeing that woman was like witnessing mist rise from wet concrete as the sun penetrated storm-laden clouds right after a strong rain.It wasn't beauty in the traditional sense of how beauty is defined stereotypically in an overpriced fashion magazine. It was elegance and grace mixed with a dash of mischief... seasoned lightly with kind eyes and a, "hurts the back of your throat" type smile.Last night was the third night in a row that I dream't a...Read more
My cast and crew worked two 16-hour days.Often this story is
heard with independent productions... small budget and great
expectations combined with enthusiastic ambition - in some cases,
unchecked.Fortunate were we that the ambition to complete a
weekend production with 37 set-ups, 49 shots, and 196 takes went off
without a hitch.Of
course, ...Read more
Would you eat your friend's head if it was made of chocolate?Sure, there might be some tears involved as you consume the ears that listened to you cry the night you caught your significant other playing badminton in the bedsheets with someone else.But hey, this makes your bond even closer now.Guilt is a Read more
Mark Roush navigates the waters of video marketing and advertising for companies such as Nike, Autodesk, Intel, HP and many others.