I'm headed home to try and wash this sunburn off my arms.
Note to self: once pepper sprayed, do not scratch wedding tackle #FallsOfBire
Sunday stroll. https://t.co/tGAkl72Tmq
Thank fxck I got paid for this. And that I have the cleansing power of Motorhead in my ears right now. https://t.co/zHNgSJPFSW
Hong Kong's MTR : clean, efficient, and frequently reminds me some people are selfish, worthless pieces of human garbage. Low fares, too.
Wei Zhang, president of Alibaba Pictures and SVP Alibaba Group, said, “For Chinese American actors it’s a great opportunity.” She advised any Chinese American actors to “One, speak Chinese, and two, spend time in China to make sure you understand your country.”
Exqueeze me?
A nice evening walk. Good to see @Anon_Snufkin @krislc @aaronMCN @HongKongHermit @goofrider again. Spoke w/Baggio Leung too. https://t.co/8TF0wGVvRi
What's the rally point for foreign meddlers? @trey_menefee @HongKongHermit @DanGarrett97 https://t.co/nd8PeqE1rg
If we don't support the movies that deserve it, we get the movies that we deserve.