I'll go first. https://t.co/DMUiSiKxlQ
I thought he might come in handy. Considering how often the CE et al are in the news. https://t.co/iHxfv6RXcg
So the Basic Law guarantees a high degree of autonomy. Autonomy is a synonym for self-determination. Pass the condoms, we're fxcked.
Communist doublespeak bullshit is fascinating, but only from a distance. #OneCountryTwoRedBallsOnOurChin
Xinhau New China is 'Promoted' in my Twitter feed. Them, Twitter, and that trainload of irony can all fxck right off. #PromoteDeezNuts
Which of these is not like the other? http://m.mingpao.com/ldy/showbiz3.php?nodeid=1478248279825&subcate=latest&issue=20161104
If we don't support the movies that deserve it, we get the movies that we deserve.