Laura Kee
演员, 编剧, 模特儿
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introducing myself to HK.

Got here early in the morning on 7 Dec. Checked-in at 4:30a.m. to be precise. And they were shocked to see me there… “Do you know what time it is??”All I could say was: “Yeah, I know. I just got in.”

Landed at Macau instead. Took a ferry across & then a cab to the hostel. Looks like a nice residential neighbourhood, which is awesome. Managed to get my HK number – I’m in business – Yay!

Monday dawned. And my first task was to find lunch. Wandered to Causeway Bay & spent some time deciding what to eat before ...Read more

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in hong kong till 24 dec.

I reached my hostel in Hong Kong at 4:30a.m. this morning. After a good rest, I’m now contemplating what to do for the rest of the day – and where to get my lunch from. I’ve got 17 more days to go, better make full use of my time here!

Looking out for events to go, people to meet, places to visit. :) Acting workshop this Wed & Thurs. Other than that, I’ve got pretty much a free schedul...Read more

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"Live On"

Did the voiceover for this TVC - Support Organ Donation. Enjoy. :) Hope it touches your heart the way it touched me as I was recording it.Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gP59FOWS9N4

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or once.

It’s something that happens.  It’s like seeing a person you never saw before – you could be passing on the street – you lo...Read more

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escaping myself.

All I want is a simple life, with simple pleasures. Being able to spend everyday with someone who truly loves me. Enjoying the simple things in life – the beautiful outdoors, good food, lovely music.

Yet I chose, arguably, one of the most complicated careers – being a performing artist. And I’m addicted to being other people, fitting into different lives, different stories. So much so that I don’t feel comfortable in my own skin.

Or maybe I’ve felt this way all along. I’ve never really understood myself, what I love, what I e...Read more

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the circle of truth.

“The Circle of Truth”, part of SHOWOFF6

The Substation

26 – 27 Nov 2009 (Thu – Fri), 8p.m.

Get your tickets from Gatecrash now!

...Read more

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planning my HK trip.

Planning a trip to Hong Kong to attend Jeanne Hartman’s Acting Workshop. Tentatively I want to be there from 7 – 17 Dec – partly because the airfare is not cheap, so I might as well take the chance to stay there for a longer time.

Actually, I might want to stick around longer… But Christmas is coming & that’s a dilemma ‘cos my family’s in Singapore! Hmmmm. I want to pop by to Taiwan for a while too.<...Read more

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love story.

Love Story by Taylor Swift

We were both young when I first saw you

I close my eyes

And the flashback starts

I’m standing there

On a balcony in summer air

See the lights

See the party, the ball gowns

I see you make your way...Read more

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birthday wishlist.

My birthday’s coming soon!

In 3 days’ time, to be exact. The older you get, the more you dread birthdays. Because it signals the ticking clock. tick tock tock tock Ahhhhhh!

But I love the gifts & the wishes & the opportunity to make wishes over my birthday cake. :) So for those of you who are planning to get me something, but haven’t got anything yet… Or for those of you ...Read more

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boys don’t cry.

At last night’s Word of the Actor session, I chose to do a scene from “Boys Don’t Cry” with my scene partner, Ethel. For those who’ve watched this awesome film, it’s the scene near the end before Brandon & Lana have sex. I knew it was a difficult scene to do – because of the subject matter – but I really wanted to challenge myself this week.

It’s a girl-on-girl scene, but with a twist. I played Teena Brandon (originally played by Read more

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Living My Dream. Join My Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/LauraKeeLT Follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/LauraKeeLT


english, cantonese, mandarin, japanese, korean
October 9, 2008