Recently, I’ve been involved in a Smoking Info-drama that toured various army camps in Singapore, warning against the effects of smoking & aimed at encouraging the army boys to quit smoking. Having experienced smoking firsthand, I know it’s simply not that easyto quit.
For this project, I teamed up with Val once again.
I don’t celebrate Halloween. Never have, and so I didn’t exactly dress up today in any particular costume. But if you really want me to get into the Halloween mood, I guess I was exuding the Bella Swan (from Twilight) vibe. Haha.
Last week, I got the entire Twilight series from MPH – even though I’ve already read the e-book versions. Somehow I still love the comforting feel o...Read more
I’ve been going back to the basics – learning my craft & working it. And I’m so glad I’ve decided to strengthen the foundation, because I’ve grown so much within these few months.
Acting is not just superficial, skin-deep nonsense. It’s feeling, being real, being in the moment, making decisions while in the midst of a scene, being open to emotions. I’ve learned to raise the stakes in any scene, because as you raise the stakes, it becomes more and more interesting to watch. There are 29 ways to play any scene ( yes, that’s just ...Read more
Just decided to post some updates since it’s been 8 days since I last blogged. And I’ve been lazy!
oops Forgive me
Just last week, I was involved in a TVC shoot. A chance to work with a bunch of interesting people – some of whom I’ve worked with before, others are new acquaintances. It was an easy shoot, except for the variations in temperature! We filmed along Clarke...Read more
I caught “The Heavenly Kings” at Sinema Old School two weeks back, on Sep 19. It was screened as part of the inaugural International Social Action Film Festival. Shot in a mockumentary form, complete with interviews, single-camera shots & ‘live’ action, it was an entertaining & informative look at the state of the HK music industry today.
Catch it if you have a chance to! It’ll be screened regularly at Sinema over the next few months.
After the screening, there was a forum featuring Read more
Sticks and stones may break my bones
But words will never hurt me
A thin heart & a thick skin
People told me that’s what I need
So I try to survive each & every passing day
Holding my head up anew
Not letting the comments get to me
Not letting the rejections & disappointments get me down
For I know the moment I give up
Is the moment I fail
And as long as I keep pressing on
As long as I keep sowing and plowing the groundRead more
The Chance To…
Do the craziest things – shout & scream & laugh maniacally, jump off a ledge to commit suicide, wrestle in the mud, “drive” a cool Lamborghini, “steer” a yacht, seduce a married man, get shot at, shoot at others, die, be Death, be a kid again, suck a guy’s fingers, lie amongst garbage, propose to a guy, get beaten up, be proposed to in front of strangers … … etc etc.
Touch people’s hearts through stories which I am a part of.
Have an outlet for my emot...Read more
Invisibility. To blend into the background, to be one of “them”. To not be outstanding. To observe, listen, learn. To be a blank slate, not an actor, not dramatic. No one knows who the real me is – and over the years, I’ve become so many different people that I no longer know who I really am.
I feel colourless at times, almost transparent. I only take shape & form when I’m becoming a character, becoming a solid being. Otherwise, I’m like an ethereal being, here but not really here.
Yesterday, I was indirec...Read more
I spent 4 days in Bintan over last weekend – Friday to Monday. Absolutely wonderful & I really didn’t want to come back home. I wanted the holiday to last longer! I went for massage after massage, till I got blue-blacks on my legs. I had an abundance of food, till I gave up on the last night & surrendered… My stomach could only take soup, salad & dessert. And I got drunk on a mighty glass of… frozen margarita. Hahaha.
I spent my entire Sunday filming another short film, where I play the lead character, Liza, a girl who kills herself & regrets it later. She then has to redeem herself so as not to suffer for all eternity.
I’m looking forward to the final product, because the filming took a lot from me. It was a highly emotional & tiring film. Emotional not in terms of crying, because I’m not good at crying scenes yet, but because of the subject matter. Death & the thought of jumping off the ledge (even though I’m scared of heigh...Read more
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