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Here's a pole routine that I choreographed for my Int Pole Dancing class.

Shows Coming Up

Lately I've been busy with my own projects.  It's been nice to have this time to work on things that I love to do. Coming up next, I will be creating a dance show with my dear friend Eddie Villanueva. He is a great choreographer/dancer from New York.  And, we are going to be performing together on Wed, June 26th at Bisous.  It will be a great show because Eddie is an amazing choreographer,  Come support us!  Pre Sale Tickets are starting today and you can order them by emailing us at Read more

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I was doing some research online and found this video...I can't believe this guy's woman voice sounds soooo much like a woman!!!


Fighting a Cold Before Opening Night

Only 5 more days till our opening for "When Rick Met Marsha".  And, I'm sick!!!!  I'm fighting it so that I'll be 100% by Wed.  I had to teach today, and I'll need to teach tomorrow. But, other than that, I'm trying to stay in bed for as much of the day as I can.  I attempted to sing a few notes just now and I think my voice came back...but, I'll find out for sure on Monday at our next full run rehearsal.  The congestion just comes and goes...one minute I think I'm almost rid of this ...Read more

11 年多 前 0 赞s  1 评论  0 shares

A Good End to 2012

     As the year is coming to an end, I can't help but think back to what a great year it has been.  I'm so very thankful for all the opportunities that I've had in this year.  It seems like the turning point was last December when I got closure on some "complications" that took over a year to settle.  And, holding on to my faith, no matter how terrible things got, from that point on one opportunity after the other came and blessed me.  Thank you thank you!!  I am so grateful.  I'm forever grateful for my wonderfu...Read more

接近 12 年 前 0 赞s  4 评论s  0 shares

Opening of "When Rick Met Marsha" TONIGHT!

Today is our opening for "When Rick Met Marsha" and I'm feeling pretty good.  I got some preparations out of the way, got my workout and now I'm having my congee as I write this blog. Every so often, I get these stomach pains caused by stress.  Here they call it "Wai Tong".   I remember getting these pains when I was a rhythmic gymnast btw the age of 10-15.  I used to get these familiar pains right before competition.  I don't get it every time before a show.  For instance, ...Read more

接近 12 年 前 0 赞s  2 评论s  0 shares

"When Rick Met Marsha" update!!!

ATTENTION!!! Anyone going to "When Rick Met Marsha" on any of the 3 nights!!! Due to unforeseen technical issues, the time has changed to 8:30pm!!! Pls note this! We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. We are soooo very thankful and happy for all of your support! See you soon!

接近 12 年 前 0 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

South China Morning Post article on "When Rick Met Marsha"

With the show only days away, Rick and I are getting more and more excited!  Here is a little article that was published in the South China Morning Post.   http://www.scmp.com/lifestyle/arts-culture/article/1089129/arts-preview-when-rick-met-marsha-cabaretHope to see you all there!!!

接近 12 年 前 0 赞s  1 评论  0 shares

"When Rick Met Marsha" a Cabaret

At the moment I'm busy preparing for my cabaret show with Rick Lau.  Our show is called "When Rick Met Marsha" and it's a cabaret about 2 people who meet at a cooking school.  Rick and I met during our run of the original musical, "I, Ching" and clicked pretty well during the run.  So, dur...Read more

接近 12 年 前 0 赞s  3 评论s  0 shares


I'm so grateful for the past 3 months of doing "I, Ching".  Thank you to the writer, Cecile Tang for a wonderful project.  Thank you to Director, Jacob Yu for believing in me and finding me to do this role.  It has truly made an impact on me as an artist.  My mom told me yesterday, that I did a very good job....of course, trying to hold back the the emotions, I took in what she said to me and thought to myself, I can't believe I was able to pull it off!  Thankful, that's all I can say.  AND, I know that I didn't do this on ...Read more

接近 12 年 前 0 赞s  2 评论s  0 shares



Hong Kong
April 19, 2007