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Pomo for "I, Ching" on NBC LIVE

Things have been pretty hectic in LA btw rehearsals, showtimes, and promoting "I, Ching".  Here are 2 articles on the show.   http://lavariety.com/http://www.hollywoodtoday.net/2012/09/12/i-ching-chairman-mao-gets-a-pole-dance-and-the-audience-approves/And here is a radio show that we were on to promote as well.Read more

大约 12 年 前 0 赞s  3 评论s  0 shares

"I, Ching" Opening This weekend!!!

Tomorrow night is the opening for "I, Ching" the musical!    Pls come support me as I play the role of Jiang Ching in this musical about the Cultural Revolution and the 'Gang of Four'.  Here's a review of the show: http://www.hollywoodtoday.net/2012/09/12/i-ching-chairman-mao-gets-a-pole-dance-and-the-audience-approves/Pls purchase your tickets at ichingt...Read more

大约 12 年 前 0 赞s  2 评论s  0 shares

Tickets ON SALE for "I, Ching"!!!

ATTENTION ATTENTION!!!   Those of you who live in LA or are going to be in LA either the weekend of Sept 14th or Sept 21st...pls come support me and watch "I, Ching" the musical.  I will be playing the role of Madame Mao in this original musical about the Cultural Revolution and the "Gang of Four".  Tickets are now on sale at the Box Office.  Go to this link to buy your tickets!!!  http://www.ichingthemusical.com/#!tic...Read more

大约 12 年 前 0 赞s  1 评论  0 shares

First Run through for "I, Ching"

We had our first run through of the whole show last night.  It was pretty scary since we had a bit of an audience and "Roadshow" came to do some interviews with us.  I, of course, was a total dork in my interview.  It's hard enough to explain how I feel playing the part of Jiang Ching...let alone say it all in my terrible Cantonese.  I hope the edits will make me look a little less of a dork... My mother came to watch as well...and mom doesn't ever lie to me about anything....That means, I can alwa...Read more

大约 12 年 前 0 赞s  2 评论s  0 shares

"I, Ching" the Musical

I'm currently in rehearsals for a new musical (in English!!!)  called "I, Ching", written by Cecile Tang and music by Lowell Lo and other composers.  The director is Jacob Yu and other cast members include Rick Lau as "CQ", Boon Ho as "Kang" and Samuel Yau as "Yao".  It's basically a story about the Cultural Revolution and the main cast consists of the "Gang of Four". If you don't know what I'm talking about, never fear!!!  As a Chinese American, (ABC) I too wa...Read more

大约 12 年 前 0 赞s  2 评论s  0 shares

Alice in Wonderland experience

Last week,  I performed with my close friends at the "Alice in Wonderland" showcase.  The event took place on Wed, June 6th at Bisous.  The student showcases have been sort of a yearly event organized by Aerial Arts Academy. ( AAA, founded by my teacher and friend Ania Przeplasko)   And this time around, I decided to choreograph a number and ask my good friends to join me in performing it.  I didn't have time to teach a weekly class for the showcase like all of the other instructors because I am in the middle of r...Read more

12 年多 前 0 赞s  1 评论  0 shares

Have you gained weight?

     Last night, I went to the opening of Les Ballets  Trockadero De Monte Carlo.  I brought the perfect date to the show with me.  My good friend...also a student of mine...I can pretty much count on her to come with me to any sort of show like this....hahaha...(I'm sure she'll just LOVE that comment)        Anyways...Knowing that this was an invitation for the opening, I had to make sure that I was in "work mode"....I dolled myself up and prepared myself for....REPORTERS!!!...I haven't really been out in the pu...Read more

12 年多 前 0 赞s  4 评论s  0 shares

Relaxing and Preparing

These past few weeks have been an adjustment for me....I'm trying real hard to stay focused and to prepare myself for what's coming up in my life.  I had a few obstacles of allergies, bad coughing, lots of snot and phlegm, and then stomach problems...but, I think I'm beginning to find my groove.  I've been trying to relax these past few days before I start rehearsals for my next project.  I'm excited to be cast in an original musical called "I, Ching" (in English!!!)  We'll be previewing the show in LA...Read more

12 年多 前 0 赞s  3 评论s  0 shares

Busy Season

Lot's of things going on right now.  I have to stay focused and really manage my time well.  I have to keep my body in shape, eat healthy, practice my stuff, and enjoy.  My next thing will be the student showcase coming up on June 6th for Aerial Arts Academy.  I am choreographing a number AND performing in it as well.  I had my first rehearsal with my girls on Wed night and it went EXTREMELY well.  I'm looking forward to finishing the 2nd half of the routine!  I'm also in the middle of a recording project...that will hopefully be comp...Read more

12 年多 前 0 赞s  1 评论  0 shares

come watch Kevin So at Backstage

Hey Everyone!   Lot's of things going on now and I'll be updating my blog in a few wks... some projects I've been working on and an upcoming show that I will be in heavy rehearsal for....On another note...If you get the chance you MUST  come out to this show!!!  Kevin So will be playing at Backstage on Thurs, April 19th.  If you haven't had a chance to hear his music...you are in for a treat!   I will definitely be there so I hope to see you there![](/attachment...<a href=Read more

12 年多 前 0 赞s  1 评论  0 shares



Hong Kong
April 19, 2007