演员, 歌手, 舞蹈家
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Feelin a bit down

I'm feeling a little emotional lately.  I guess there's just been a lot of stress with the show and it's all just happening so fast.  There are certain decisions that I've already made...and now I realize that maybe it wasn't the right thing to do.  Well..at the time it almost was like I didn't really have a choice and the decision was made for me...but, I know I could have spoke up...there are just too many personality traits that I have been trying to change about myself...but, certain things are just too hard to c...Read more

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1 week countdown

Exactly 1 week until showtime!!!!  Come support me!!!  One of the songs that I will be singing...is my original song "Tell Me"...you can hear it on my Alive Not Dead site!  For this song the lovely Nataliia and the very muscular, Cristo...will be performing a contemporary piece while I sing to them....it's a song about a love triangle....


其中有一首歌,是由我作曲的歌,叫作“Tell Me"...你可以在我 Alive Not Dead site! 上聽到,在24日晚上,當我唱這首歌的時候, 可愛的Nataliia 和健美先生Cristo會為我以現代舞伴舞, 這首歌主要是有關多角戀愛

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Well....it's getting closer and closer to Sept 24th..the big day!  I'd say that I had a very productive day yesterday.  I got up early in the morning to go to church for EMP (early morning prayer), went straight to Bowen Rd to jog 8K and get my exercise for the day, came home to eat and shower, warmed up my voice and practiced my songs.  After I had lunch I went to the studio for rehearsal.  I finally have all the routines ready to do..just need to get it in my body so that I can coordinate the singing and dancing...not to mention......Read more

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Tickets on sale for my show!!!

ATTENTION!!!  Don't miss my show!!!  This will be different from any other performance I've done.  There's live music, singing, pole dancing, hoop, silk, and more!!!  Tickets are on sale for my cabaret show on Sept 24th at Grappas, Central, Jardine House.  If you get your tickets before the 12th then you get a discount!!!  So, hurry and get your tickets!!!

Got to this website to buy your tickets!!


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Flashdance Workshop!!

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My Upcoming Events

A few things coming up this month!  I have a flashdance workshop on Sept 2nd which has been extremely fun to prepare for with Cristo.  It is going to be a night of cheesy fun!!!  I am really looking forward to it! 

Also, I will have a cab...Read more

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What I think about Cheng Pei Pei

I love my mom. No matter what choices I make in life and no matter what mistakes… She's always there for me.  I'm very grateful to have such an understanding and supportive mother. That's why I feel like I have such a unique and honest relationship with her. Of course, we have our differences like any mother and daughter...I mean…let’s face it, she can be on my case so much that it will drive me mad!!! But, I love her for caring for me and wanting me to be the best that I can be.  I know that all her intentions ar...Read more

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Cabaret Rehearsal Day 1

Have you ever been scared of succeeding?  It's a strange thing to say..but, sometimes I feel like I have this fear...and it's in my subconscious mind.  It's like... I know I can do something but I'm scared of showing people.  Maybe it's all just in my head.  It was just a thought I had today while riding on the "ding ding" with my friend Ea. That's pronounced "Ee-ah"... We are like black and white.  Her and I.  It's a funny combo..really...

Anyways...today marked the first day of...Read more

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My deep thoughts

Everyone goes through significant points in their life.  Whether it be some tragic event or a crossroad that will change the way they see things in the world.  I feel like I am at that crossroad now.  I know that I’ve always been the baby in the family (even with a younger brother).  And I’ve always been lucky to have people protect me and make me oblivious to anything too complicated.  Yes, that’s me.  A dreamer.  I’m always stuck in my own happy little world and never worrying about the details of things because I have others to look after...Read more

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Pole dancing interview

I came across this interview that I totally forgot about.


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Hong Kong
April 19, 2007