Its been 5 years . i finally graduated from my university(Beijing sports university). time past so fast.look back for 5 years . i was a little kid when i just got to my University...there so many things happened in the 5 years. my life had big chaned. and i am big man now haha !!!
First of all. i wanna say congratulattions to u all !!!!!!!!!!!
you guys did a great job ... me and all friends enjoyed the show a lot !!!
It was my please to got the chance to watch their concert in Beijing.i'v been wait this for so long.
The concert was at "Poly theater". which is big deal here in beijing. and there was full of people.My s...Read more
Its been a long time since last time i post. there are so many thing going on of my life and feel like i getting lazy to write blogs :-(
有段时间没写东西了,最近一直很忙。而且自己开始变懒了不太愿意写博客了... 有时间就想睡觉!
前一阵去看了中戏的结业大戏“桃花扇”。我的一个好哥们在这场话剧中演了一个将军的角色。看了以后感触很深。我很佩服他,感觉他的变化真的很大,而且我被他的台词功力镇住了... 兄弟真的不错,我为而你感到自豪!!!
I'm so proud of you brother ...
他们都是我的好哥哥们,曾经都为北京队奋战过的前辈们。这些武术界的传奇人物,张继东(清华),赵庆建(首体),吴马(林大),闪明(林大)。各种冠军集于一身的武术大师们,现在都是北京各大高校的“老湿”。每天除了教大学生武术之外,还要上其它种类的体育课。武术套路专业这么强的高手们,在大学里教打篮球,想想不免有点浪费了!好久没在一起HAPPY过了,那天正好赶上嫂子(闪明)过生日。又能在一起玩游戏了,呵呵!很想念跟哥哥们在一起的日子,他们照顾我,带我出来混,教我如果为人处事。有了哥哥们的帮助,才有了今天的我。想说 ... 谢谢你们!来喝!!!(等会.... 李白说得好 哈哈 )
前一阵,好友Ian谢.传给了一组不错的照片。觉得不错,传上来跟大家分享一下! Ian sent some photos to me . i think there are some perrty cool stuff . so i put them up here and share with u guys . hope u like them too :-)
五星招待所 ...
大晚上的又失眠了,不知道为什么睡不着。看会电影吧,被蚊子咬了一晚上,我恨死蚊子了!又有一只来了.............................. 凭感觉一挥手。蚊子竟然被我打晕了,它还没死。我真不是故意要杀死它的,它都咬了我那么多天了,我也没说买点药把他们都熏死,大家都是生命,谁活着都不容 易啊。是吧?可是我就那么随便一挥,可能把它的小翅膀给打坏了,它只能爬不能飞了,蚊子不能飞了不就等于快死了嘛,它想喝我的血也要飞到我身上来啊。
He is actully just got full by my blood ...
A few days ago i looked for the album that Chris did for me from 798 Art zone.i found out there are 3 more pictures i also i like a lot. i edit them by myself.hopo u will like it !!!
They were in Beijing again ... we went to party again.got so much fun together !!!
I'm kind excited,because they told me that we are going to have a huge party on july 4th in Beijing . looking forward to see u guys again !!!
Its Friday we went to the pole bar called 821. which is the owner by Dalson.
连续两个周末了,我们都混在一起,烤肉,日本料理,打台球,打篮球,去唱K... 各种HAPPY啊!真的很开心,算是赛后给自己放个假吧。呵呵。。。
From the past two weeks we were hang out all the time.we went Japanese sushi,we played pole and basketball.and went to KTV ... !!! so happy ...
我在做打球前的准备活动。 ...Read more
天下风云出我辈,一入江湖岁月催。 宏图霸业谈笑中,不胜人生一场醉。 吴迪的新浪微博:http://t.sina.com.cn/invincibleadi 工作邮箱E-mail:invinciblespear@gmail.com