"Gimme that" by wudi :-)
这是我在2008年北京体育大学才艺大赛上的表演,还是那首歌"Gimme that”,(我发现我可以拿出手来表演的也就只有这首歌了。呵呵)我平时不在体大那边上课,所以那边的学生和老师我都不怎么认识,这次表演是应我们大学团部书记的邀请,去那边做嘉宾。万万没有令我想到的是,我去了那边还真的有人认识我,呵呵!可能由于是“体育”大学,那边的音响设备不是很好。所以那天表演的现场效果一般。但是从同学们的呼喊声能听出来,我还是挺受欢迎的,呵呵!我觉得唱歌跳舞跟练武术一样,不练就是不行。好久没有练歌练舞了,动作没有以前跳起来顺。也就是将就着把这场演出演应付下来了...等全国比赛结束了吧,我会抽出更多的时间去练舞练歌。
我们的网站上有...Read more
There's a friend of mine who invited me to eat vegetables ... (i dont really know how to say that word in English,but anyway its like the foods what monk eats ...)
Is there any of you believe in the fortuneteller ??? during the time when we eating , there was a fortuneteller ... i can't say anything guys ... he is really awsome !!! we never met before and my friend didn't tell him about me ever , but he knows everything about my life ... what happened to me and even my fa...Read more
Happy birthday Alivenotdead !!!
HEY guys ... i am sorry that i can't come to HK for the anniversary party !!!i really wanna go ... but I have no choice to do ... i ganna getting ready for the nationals competition, so here i send to you my best birthday wish from Beijing !!! hope u will like it ...
可能是由于奥运会的临近,全球再次掀起了一阵华人的爱国热潮,好多人把自己MSN上的名头前改成了(L)中国(意思是:我爱中国)。奥运就要在咱自己家门口开幕了,作为一个中国人,我感到VERY自豪。在这里转载一个朋友的MSN照片 ... 让我特别震惊,也很感动!!!如果世界上的每个华人都能如此团结,那我们的国家将会变得更加富强。
these are some pics from last week ... when i went out to Sanlitun with my friends! we were played pool game again and went to the culb again (but didn't stayed too long ... just had short chat with some friends there then left ) that night was fun though ... i feel so happy that my skill of pool game is improved haha ... is there any of you like to play pool game too ???
这里的一些照片,是前几天跟朋友们出去玩的时候拍的,由于网速太慢了,一直没有机会上传!今天我们休息一天,没事做,学学英文,然后把上周的照片传上来与大家共享一下。最近,我的训练很累,身体也有不断的小伤。特别想休息,但又不敢,因为时间不够了!恨不得把自己当成两个人来用。学习,训练,再来点社会上...Read more
Its been so long since last time we met each other in beijing ... actully we are not belong the same generation of the beijing wushu team. by the time when i came to beijing wushu team, he already retired from the team and lfte.
He came back to bejing 2 weeks ago to train here and was getting ready for the Asian wu...Read more
I went to " MIX " with my friends on last saturday night ... as always there was full of people ... !!! we really had some fun from there ... but i just think that i shouldn't go out that much before the competition ... i really like the hip hop music in the club , i just love it !!! damn it ... what should i do ... ??? i think when i am getting rich ... i will open a hip hop club in beijing !!!haha ...
星期六的晚上我跟几个朋友去了MIX , 跟平时一样,又是满满的舞池。走路都费劲。我就不明白了,人们都怎么了?那么喜欢凑热闹?我想好了,等我以后有钱了,...Read more
2008.April - The beijing wushu team test (Spear)
记得我在上次的博客当中提到过,我们队将在四月中旬进行一次队内测验赛,目的是为了检验我们前一段时间的训练成果。看看编排的套路中还存在什么缺点和不足,则将在下个月的训练当中,抓住重点,得以改进和提高。...Read more
It's another free night of the weekend ... i went to a loft bar in Houhai with my friends,had some drinks and played pool game ... its a really comfortable bar to go on the weekends ! not too much people ... because they don't really open it to strangers ... its like a friends bar. all the people who were there , they all have a real friendship with the boss ... so this boss likes...Read more
I...Read more
天下风云出我辈,一入江湖岁月催。 宏图霸业谈笑中,不胜人生一场醉。 吴迪的新浪微博:http://t.sina.com.cn/invincibleadi 工作邮箱E-mail:invinciblespear@gmail.com