Elissa Rosati
演员, 导演, 製片人
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what's my ish? here's my ish....

We got so many more applications for the program  than we bargained for  ("A Girl's LIfe" films about gender stereotyping by Hong Kong youth)

that's not my ish

We may need to bring in specialists for a particularly bad ass group we are interested in seeing work from

that's not my ish

We have lots of adults trying to get access to the program (i am totally bartering...."okay, you get fifteen kids to know about the program, AND apply, and then MAYBE we will let...Read more

16 年多 前 0 赞s  2 评论s  0 shares

Cabaret... Chicago... Moulin Rouge.... Research is fun

Been at it all day.  Glued to this computer..

...cause my life is split between the charity work (Focus on Film/A Girl's Life Program) and the reality of keeping food on the table

Basically Sunday is what i have to move forward on this event i'm doing.  Yeah, so it's like a name band being like flown in, like, a/v projections to shoot and edit, like two musical numbers and other various talent to organize, a set to build, a canopy to erect... Yeah, so, it's, like, a show...Read more

16 年多 前 0 赞s  2 评论s  0 shares

Barbara Wong supports our program... we are SMILING!

Yup, she's cool.  Barbara Wong is definitely totally okay in my book.

For those of you who have had the good fortune to meet her, or see her at work, you know Barbara is talented , lovely AND down to earth.   We are very fortunate to have her involved in the program: A Girl's Life.


Women's Foundation funding: 


Staff : 


Cool Hong Kong director on board: 



in place:  ch...Read more

16 年多 前 0 赞s  2 评论s  0 shares

Mama Mia Mania

Yes, that is my excuse... if i wasn't so obsessed with dissing the movie Mama Mia (which Mark Kermode does brilliantly by the way... check it)  then i would have been blogging more.

Oh yeah, then there is the herculean task of bringing free film making opportunities to the young people of Hong Kong.

This time, we're helping three groups produce three films on gender stereotyping.

All their own original work, all with professional equipment.

It is what i always wanted film school to be for myself:  show m...Read more

16 年多 前 0 赞s  4 评论s  0 shares

A shooting all Day, A shooting All night....

I've been off the Alive not Dead Radar.... but not for-evah! 

The boys brought me back to the fold... forced me to go on that junk, in the rain, eat lots of great food, drink all day, swim in the sea, play chinese poker.......

Man, i feel so much better!

thanks guys

I seriously needed that unwind. 

What i've been up ta:

Well, directing Beauty and the Beast- yup, Disney's musical for the stage.  We are trying to pimp it up,  with a cool new concept for t...Read more

16 年多 前 0 赞s  5 评论s  0 shares

Blog: Saturday, May 10

Right, so, like my wushu instructor thinks i should blog about it!  

Here we go!

First of all- i so knew i would totally dig wushu, and i am right- i, like, totally dig it (toters, or is it tauters... or tawters.....)

I love that it is so akin to dance and i love doing it outside and, oh yeah, my instructor is wonderful.  We are so hard core that we walked through the typhoon a coupla weeks ago, were drenched to the skin, but STILL worked out.

The bad news is:  havent worked out since.  And the reasons ...Read more

接近 17 年 前 0 赞s  4 评论s  0 shares

Blog This

Yah, so okay, it's been a while since i last blogged.....  (do YOU get those emails encouraging you to spill your guts regularly?)

So ya wanna know what's up.

Let's give it a try.

Last night closed the production of The Pillowman at the Fringe i was helping out with.  Ms Zeller had to drop out for other commitments and i stepped in to fill her formidable shoes.  She got me hooked by promising it was only a five minute walk on.  What she neglected to tell me was that it was three different characters- two of them ...Read more

接近 17 年 前 0 赞s  2 评论s  0 shares


Come out if you want something unusual to talk about on your blogs.  V day and Vagina Monologues (man, havent they done this play, like a thousand times since i arrived.. .but who cares.. i think i will mount - pardon the pun- a multi lingual production with subtitles, on ice...)

But i digress

Tonight, Vday, Club Party, be there

Special surprise guest appearance ...es

接近 17 年 前 0 赞s  1 评论  0 shares

back to blog

Well, we are winding up to our March Camps.... the Nokia Challenge Thing is up and running..... there is a lot to be excited about and it turns out that tonight, I choose to be excited about being back to swimming regularly!  What's up with that?  I  worked my feeble way up to twenty laps today.  Awesome feeling of power pulling through the water.

I kid you not!


I hear we may the the RED camera for the March Workshops.  I cant wait to confirm THAT monster bit o news. 

Now THAT is really really exciting...Read more

大约 17 年 前 0 赞s  3 评论s  0 shares

cant sing no mo

wah...... !!!  after five (count em':  five) straight hours of singing karoke with da crew i cant speak.  Voice is way gone!   Good thing i am not up in a show these days.

i have seen CWB in a whole new light!  From Piaf to the fire alarm to the ladeezze marmalading to the My Endless Love duet....  mojo and cheese, cabaret and drama.  I loved it


大约 17 年 前 0 赞s  4 评论s  0 shares



Hong Kong
August 11, 2007