Laura Kee
演员, 编剧, 模特儿
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success & failure.

ron_gRonaldo’s 49th-minute Goal

Manchester United do not have to be at their best to record victories. And they proved that with this match, when they marched into the Champions League Q-finals, albeit through nail-biting situations. Manchester United never looked at their tip-top best, until the dying 10 minutes of the game, when they became more assured of their victory. Nerves, pr...Read more

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articulation: need me to front the “Speak Good English” campaign?

I find it really funny. Other actors have problems with articulating words clearly, whereas I have a problem trying NOT to articulate so clearly. It’s like an in-born mechanism that kicks into place every time I open my mouth to speak… “THat”   not “Dat”, “jusT”   not “jus”etc etc. Haha. So now, I have to practise speaking in a more Singaporean manner.

Today, I went to audition for a teenage drama, and I was told not to speak in too-accented English....Read more

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I think I’m getting restless once again.

When I was in Secondary School, my class teacher made us do a work personality test. My ambition then was to be a journalist. But according to the test, I was not suited to jobs on the move, but rather, I would excel in desk-bound office jobs. Hah. What a joke. That just proves we need to take all these tests with a pinch of salt, ‘cos I would feel extremely claustrophobic should I be bound to an office job.


Haven’t blogged for 6 days. Manchester United successfully moved into the ...Read more

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calm amidst the storm.

Heavy downpour. So sudden. I was driving my mum’s car in the midst of the heavy rain, couldn’t see the road clearly, scared to brake too suddenly. But rain has a calming effect on me.

Pitter-patter. Whoosh.

I think the cast & crew of “The Screwtape Letters” are still suffering from post-production syndrome, some kind of withdrawal symptoms. Hahaha.

devilToadpipe & Junio...Read more

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“Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen;

it gives us assurance about things we cannot see.”

- Hebrews 11:1 (NLT) -

Faith comes in so many different forms.

Faith manifests itself in the most mundane of situations.

In the midst of a sudden crisis…

When I’m down to my last dollar…

When the show looks like it’s falling apart…

Or simply when I’m standing at a bus-stop waiting for my bus.

Faith is more than a belief. More than a feeling of se...Read more

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the one thing you cannot have.

“How very like you to choose the one thing you cannot have.” 

- Patient, “The Screwtape Letters”  -  

I don’t know what I’m waiting for, or what I’m hoping will happen.

I’m still waiting. Patiently.

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Here come the Post-Production Blues.

I knew I’d feel this way once the whole production was over. That’s why I didn’t look forward to the end of production as much as some of the others did. Maybe I’m just a more emotional creature. Haha.

4 months flew by. And “The Screwtape Letters” people are awesome. One of the most fulfilling productions I’ve ever worked on, because we have a common purpose & faith. I miss them already.

3 performances at Jubilee Hall. All sold-out. It was wonderful, wonderful, wonderful to see our hard work bearing f...Read more

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seriously zoned out.


I just got back from Jubilee Hall, after bumping-in & tech run today. Praying that everything will be fine for tomorrow’s first performance. We were behind schedule, and everyone was exhausted. I think we were running on adrenaline by the end of the night (2:30a.m.). That meant that we were laughing at anything & everything, people were being random & singing & s...Read more

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emotional rollercoaster.

Somehow I don’t feel like typing much.

I’m not depressed, or upset, or anything.

Just that I’ve always felt like I’m on an emotional rollercoaster, so I guess I chose the right career.

Yet, I feel like I’ve never grown up. Still an immature 16-year-old.

I wonder why I think & act so differently from others my age.

I feel like a child at times. Is that good? Or bad? 


Went for a TVC audition yesterday, but the schedule was too tight so they might call me back another day. M...Read more

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Thank You, I Loved You.

Shush. My dear heart.

Why are you set a-fluttering?

Is it the voice?

Be at rest, my dear heart.

It will be over soon. 

Temporal, fleeting, but for a moment.

Two lives cross, entwine

Which is acting? And which is reality?

Pitter-patterHere you come again, to my side.

You speak. My heart melts.

But this is not real.

We do not live in reality, but in a false truth

And you are aware of it.

Are you?

Time and again, it is always t...Read more

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Living My Dream. Join My Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/LauraKeeLT Follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/LauraKeeLT


english, cantonese, mandarin, japanese, korean
October 9, 2008