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Laura Kee
Actor , Screenwriter , Model
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“Let The Right One In” [Låt den rätte komma in]


Given the recent Oscar Awards buzz, and the upcoming Awards Ceremony tomorrow, I’ve been contemplating going to watch “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button” & “The Reader”. However, last night, I decided to watch the Swedish film, “Let the Right One In” [Låt den rätte komma in]. Havin...Read more

about 16 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

I Lift My Eyes

How was Valentine’s Day? For me, Valentine’s Day is an over-hyper & over-priced day, so I was happy enough to go shopping for sports goods & necessities on that day. Bought shampoo & conditioner… I also kicked off my exercise plans by buying a new set of goggles & swimming cap, as well as a skipping rope! I’m happy to report that I used my skipping rope that very night, but I really need more discipline to keep exercising! 21 days to form a habit… Does that mean I need to skip, swim & run 21 days continuously?!? Hahaha… Read more

about 16 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Prayer, The Foundation

When I woke up this morning at 5a.m., the full moon was still hanging in the sky & the sun had not woken up yet. It’s the 15th day of Chinese New Year, known as “chap goh meh”. The moon is at its fullest..


My early start is due to the early morning prayer meetings this week, from 6:30 - 7:30a.m. at Jurong West. I barely slept for 2.5 hours the previous night, but stil...Read more

about 16 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Status Quo

My student asked me a question today, “Why don’t you just find a steady job? So you don’t have to worry about money and have the peace of mind?” 

I tried to explain that acting is my priority in life now, and I have to fit my schedule around the flexible timing which an acting career demands. But he asked, “Are you afraid of commitment?” And I said, “No, I’m very committed to what I’m doing now.”

I just want to maintain the Status Quo.

It took me so many years to get to this stage in life, and now I can’...Read more

about 16 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

舞台劇錶演 - 〈The Screwtape Letters〉

我即將在這出舞台劇錶演。故事改編於著名作家C.S.Lewis同名的一本書〈The Screwtape Letters〉。

錶演日期是2月27日(8p.m.) 以及2月28日(3p.m. 和 8p.m.)。演出場地是Jubilee Hall,在Raffles Hotel。因為這是一場團體演出,我將會扮演不同的角色,所以我非常期待這次的演出。好久沒有演舞台劇了呢!

你們能夠在SISTIC網頁以及各個SISTIC售票處購買$32的入場票(包括$3的 SISTIC 收費)。

已經有好多朋友親戚們要來捧我的場了,謝謝你們!記得快點去...Read more

about 16 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Happy 牛 Year!

Spent my Chinese New Year back in my dad’s hometown of Ayer Tawar near Sitiawan, Malaysia. It was a gruelling 11-hour journey up there, because of the Causeway jam, the KL car jam & the A&W food outlet jam. It was another long 8-hour journey back to Singapore. So I spent a lot of time sleeping on the car. Haha.

A few people asked me what I do up in Malaysia every year. Answer: Watch TV & Eat & Watch TV & Eat.

This year, my cousin brought “Guitar Hero” on his PS3 so we had a new source of entertainment. On TV...Read more

about 16 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

新的開始 - 台灣的夢想


其實我也不知道為甚麽會被台灣如此地著迷,被它的演藝圈深深地吸引了。恨不得明天就收拾行李到台灣去闖天涯!可是,這只是我夢話而已。嗨!我在新加坡還有太多的責任, 一時走不了!

打算明年初就收拾行李搬到台灣去。等不及了... 也許是我太天真了吧。


今天,我的靈感出自於黃婧倫 - 夢想成真之旅。他之所以會勇敢地參加比賽也是因為他想當歌手的夢想。看他今天成績非凡!


about 16 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Off to Malaysia

I know I haven’t been posting any entries for a long while, and a few people have been asking where I’ve disappeared to. Well, things have been relatively quiet on the acting front. I’ve had a severe dearth of acting jobs. But I’ve been busy with tuition, and embarking on my new freelance work - teaching courses in Pri & Sec schools.

Pursuing one of my 2009 goals: to save money. 

Planning to head to Taiwan next year to pursue my dream. People within the industry, my friends, all agree with my plan to go to Taiwan. Many of ...Read more

about 16 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Sleepy, but Satisfied

Woke up at the unearthly hour of 5:40a.m. - something I haven’t done in ages. All for the sake of the “一切完美II” (Perfect Cut 2) shoot. But I guess it is something that I’ve to get used to. Actually I don’t really mind the waking-up early part. It’s the performance part that gets to me.

Anyway, today’s shoot was at Harbourfront.

perfect-cutWith ...Read more

about 16 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Little Nyonya


Today, I finally watched “The Little Nyonya”, or part of it anyway. I haven’t been an avid follower but I watched the final two episodes on MobTV today to catch a few friends in action. And three of them appeared in the finale episode, amazingly. Haha.

Since I haven’t been following the show, I had no idea which roles they were playing.

So there was Fish a.k.a follower of Liu Yid...Read more

about 16 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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english, cantonese, mandarin, japanese, korean
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Member Since
October 9, 2008