Singaporean singer, Huang Jinglun (Hayden), has vaulted from a virtual unknown to an overnight star because of the Taiwanese singing contest, “One Million Star”.
He is just so cute & blur at times. He had his humble beginnings in Singapore & I aspire to work as hard as he did to achieve my dream. Many of his performances can be found on Youtube & his album, “Jing’s Note”, is out in record stores. You can visit his website or Read more
Recently, I got invited to this Facebook group: “Find Your Lookalike In The World!”
Apparently, each person has at least 6 lookalikes in this world. Well, I think I’ve found one of them. Haha.
Actually I...Read more
Finished my Vocals Stage 1 SPE. Open Stage @ Hark Music this afternoon.
Strong stage presence, facial expressions & emotional investment into the song- Good vocal tone & quality- Good layering between the 1st & 2nd times I sang through thesong
Able to connect with the audience & not afraid to look them in the eyes**
Read moreIf you could have your dreams come true, what would be your wildest dream? When we’re children, we don’t allow ourselves boundaries & we dream the impossible. But as we grow up, we begin to limit ourselves and think: “No, that wouldn’t be possible. Let me try something else … Let me have another dream … Let me change my dream to become a smaller one.”
Sometimes I’ve shared my dreams and people are quick to shoot me down & pour cold water on me. But I’ve been thinking this week & reflecting… And I’ve realised that dreams...Read more
I woke up this morning with a horrible sorethroat & an impending cough. It sucks feeling unwell & lethargic. Zombified. Worst thing was I had a vocal lesson & tuition lined up for today. Thankfully, my vocals teacher changed my lesson to Friday, ‘cos I’ve a vocals exam on this Saturday!
Have tuition & more tuition tomorrow. I estimate that the lessons tomorrow will take around 7 hours… Seven full hours. I really pray for my throat to recover soon. Drank starfruit juice & luohan guo & honey water today.. Bett...Read more
PATIENCE is the key.
And ACTION too.
Keep doing and doing, fail, then get up again.
Fail, then get up again!
And again and again until you get to where you want to go.
I have one philosophy in life which never fails me,
and that is FOCUS: Follow One Course Until Successful.
If you follow this, no matter how long it takes
and how much price you have to pay, you WILL get there.
~ Kelv...Read more
Last night in bed, I pondered.
What is the meaning of life?
Yeah right. Hahaha, nothing as deep as that.
I was wondering about this fundamental question, “Why am I in this acting career?”
“What exactly is my goal?”
“Am I pursuing acting
for the sa...Read more
Emotionally unstable person on the loose.
Sometimes I scare myself - for no rhyme or reason - I can sink into a pit.
Like today, when I gave up on my schedule & shut myself at home.
Felt totally weak & without any energy left in me to continue.
Lay on the bed & just started crying out loud. Wailing, almost.
Like when I mourned for my grandpa.
Then just as suddenly as I began, I stopped.
I really do scare myself at times. Sigh.
...Read more
Even though Manchester United lost the match against Liverpool today, we have lost the battle but we can still win the war! The Premier League title, Champions League & FA Cup are still there for the taking. So Man Utd fans, do not lose heart. The Red Devils will prevail.
As a way to cheer myself up, I shall watch a couple of Cristiano Ronaldo & Nemanja Vidic videos. My two most favourite players in Man Utd
Cristiano Ronaldo with his talented footballing skills, multitude of tricks,...Read more
When I wrote the date today, on a Casting form, I was reminded that today was the day my brother was supposed to enlist. Fortunately, he managed to pass his NAPFA & so his enlistment date was pushed back & he only needs to serve 1 year 10 months in National Service. March 13th. Friday the 13th.
I don’t really understand the superstition regarding the number 13. So I lump it together with walking under a ladder, having a black cat cross your path & using sharp objects during pregnancy.
Despite being Friday the 13...Read more
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